Trust Ted Product Review: CHARGEOP Apple AirPod Charging Mount

By Ted Marena

We know other vehicle brands offer models with a strong following. Niche examples include Jeep Wranglers, Ford F150s, and Chevy Silverados to name a few. What makes Tesla owners' enthusiastic following unique is that their vehicles have a broad appeal and serve many functions. We believe this is one of the reasons there is a large selection of aftermarket accessories. You can find many different products to customize your Tesla or obtain accessories to make your life a bit more comfortable.

One product in the latter category is an Apple AirPod charging mount that works on the Tesla wireless charging pad. For all you owners who live with your AirPods or AirPod Pros, you may be interested in the product from CHARGEOP. We recently reviewed their mount, which supports the newer version Teslas, as well as the older wireless charging pads. Check out our review here: